
Our clinical research organization offers a range of services to support the development and execution of clinical studies. We have a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing high-quality, efficient, and cost-effective solutions to our clients.

Protocol Development and Review

At Hrid Health, the protocol development and review process is an integral part of our clinical research program. We strive to create protocols that are scientifically sound and ethically responsible. We begin the protocol development process by convening a team of experienced clinical research professionals. This team is then tasked with reviewing the literature and identifying any relevant regulations or guidelines. Once this review is complete, the team begins drafting the protocol. The protocol is then discussed and reviewed by the team, ensuring that all necessary information is included and that the protocol is scientifically sound and ethically responsible. Once the draft protocol is finalized, it is then submitted to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for approval. The IRB evaluates the protocol for its scientific integrity, ethical considerations, and adherence to applicable regulations. Following the review, the IRB may recommend revisions to the protocol before it is approved. Once the protocol is approved, it is ready for implementation. At Hrid Health, we take the protocol development and review process seriously. We strive to ensure that our protocols are safe, ethical, and scientifically sound. This ensures that we are providing our clients with the highest quality of research.

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Site Selection and Management

Site selection and management is a crucial aspect of conducting clinical research studies. At Hrid Health, our team of experienced research professionals carefully selects and manages research sites to ensure the success and integrity of each study.

When selecting a research site, we consider factors such as the site’s experience in conducting clinical research, the availability of qualified investigators and staff, and the suitability of the site’s facilities and patient population for the study. We also evaluate the site’s track record for meeting regulatory requirements and for completing studies on time and within budget.

Once a site is selected, we work closely with the site’s investigators and staff to ensure that the study is conducted according to the protocol and in compliance with all applicable regulations. This includes providing ongoing support and training, conducting regular site visits, and monitoring the progress of the study.

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Patient Recruitment and Retention

At Hrid Health, we understand that patient recruitment and retention are key factors in the success of a clinical research study. Our experienced team has developed effective strategies for recruiting and retaining patients in a variety of study types and settings.

To attract potential study participants, we use a range of methods, including online and offline advertising, social media campaigns, and outreach to healthcare providers and patient advocacy groups. We also offer incentives to patients who enroll in our studies, such as compensation for their time and travel expenses.

Once a patient has enrolled in a study, we work to ensure their continued participation and adherence to the study protocol. This includes providing regular updates and support, conducting follow-up visits, and offering additional incentives as needed.

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Data Management and Analysis including Biostatistical Analysis

At Hrid Health, we understand the importance of accurate and efficient data management and analysis in clinical research. Our team of experienced professionals uses state-of-the-art technology and techniques to manage and analyze data from our studies.

We begin by carefully designing the data collection process to ensure that all relevant information is collected in a consistent and reliable manner. This includes specifying the data variables, defining the data collection methods, and developing appropriate data entry and validation procedures.

Once the data is collected, we use advanced statistical software and techniques to clean and analyze the data. This includes checking for errors and inconsistencies, imputing missing data, and applying appropriate statistical tests to evaluate the study hypotheses.

Our team also works closely with the study investigators to interpret the results and prepare reports and publications. We are committed to providing high-quality, reliable data and analysis that support the conclusions of our studies and contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge

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Medical Manuscript Writing and Editing

We understand the importance of clear and accurate communication in the healthcare industry. That’s why we offer a comprehensive medical manuscript writing and editing service to help researchers, physicians and other healthcare professionals effectively communicate their findings and data.

Our team of experienced medical writers and editors have advanced degrees in the life sciences and are experts in the art of communicating complex scientific information in a clear and concise manner. They have extensive experience in writing and editing a wide range of medical manuscripts, including:

  • Original research articles
  • Review articles
  • Case reports
  • Letters to the editor
  • Abstracts and posters

Our resource experts have over two decades of experience in medical writing having more than 300 publications in high impact medical journals.

Our editors will review your manuscript for clarity, accuracy, and adherence to the guidelines of the target journal. They will also ensure that the manuscript is formatted correctly and that all references are properly cited.

Scientific Literature Reviews And Summaries

Our team of experienced medical writers and editors have advanced degrees in the life sciences and are experts in evaluating, synthesizing, and summarizing complex scientific information. They have extensive experience in conducting literature reviews and summaries on a wide range of topics, including:

  • New drug therapies
  • Medical devices
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Clinical practice guidelines

Our literature reviews and summaries are conducted using the highest-quality sources and are tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. We provide a comprehensive summary of the current state of knowledge in the field, highlighting key findings and identifying areas where further research is needed.

Our reviews and summaries are written in a clear and concise manner and are presented in a format that is easy to understand and use. We also provide a detailed reference list to allow our clients to easily access the primary literature.

We understand that staying up-to-date with the latest research can be time-consuming and challenging, so we work efficiently to deliver high-quality literature reviews and summaries that meet your deadlines.

Abstracts and posters for scientific conferences

At Hrid Health, we understand the importance of presenting your research in the most effective way possible. That’s why we offer a comprehensive abstract and poster writing service for scientific conferences. Our team of experienced medical writers and editors have the expertise to help you communicate your research in a clear and concise manner that will grab the attention of conference attendees.

Our services include:

  • Writing abstracts for submission to scientific conferences
  • Designing and creating visually appealing posters to present at conferences
  • Providing guidance on how to effectively present your research during a poster or oral presentation

Our medical writers have a deep understanding of the guidelines and requirements of different conferences, and will work closely with you to ensure that your abstract or poster meets all of the necessary criteria.

Our editors will review your abstract or poster for clarity, accuracy, and adherence to the guidelines of the conference. They will also ensure that the abstract or poster is visually appealing and effectively communicates the key points of your research.

Latest Case Studies

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